A Treasure
A Treasure Created By Time And Tradition And We’re Bringing It To You With Love
Mastered over generations, Indian traditional foods have an incredible diversity of flavours, colours, and aromas while also being really healthy. In today’s world where our lifestyles are changing dramatically, the access to these foods has become increasingly limited.
At Shadrasa Brands, our aim is to bring these traditional foods – real treasures of India – back into mainstream culture. For the new age, health conscious Indian, we have designed food and beverages that have kept up with the times; products that are crafted with care and are convenient to use. And more importantly, products that taste great while retaining all the essential health benefits.

Good Health
Times Have Changed The Key To Good Health Hasn’t
Our foods and beverages have been created for modern times but inspired by the age-old Shadrasa (shad six and rasa taste) theory of Ayurveda. As stated in it, consuming the six tastes in balanced proportions through our foods, will have positive effects on our mind and body.
At Shadrasa Brands, we have profound respect for our heritage and a deep connection with the land. And, when it’s about food, we believe it’s as much in the skill of the hand that makes it, as it is in the sincerity of the heart behind it.
Our first offering is a range of traditional herbal infusions which promise invigorating taste that restores beneficial effects on the body and mind while nourishing the soul. Relish the aromatic flavours entwined with numerous health benefits, matched with delicious taste for a happier you

Harness The Power Of Healing Herbs and Spices !
Get in touch with your roots and embrace healthy living with our range of delectable herbal infusions. All our herbal infusions are made using 100% natural herbs and spices of the finest quality.